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Performing portfolio

I come from a background of musical theatre and performing arts. I am currently looking to do more performances, especially multidisciplinary performance.

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Circus Storytelling

Tilt Festival: My circus practice, 'Cascading Story Collective' trialled a performance at RoguePlay's Tilt Festival. It was a circus performance with live music.


Kalamata: I travelled to Greece on an ERASMUS programme and did a performance based on different countries myths and fables.


Solihull Commission: I was commissioned to perform at a Solihull cep event at the Core Theatre. Shaq Shadare and myself did a performance about possum. The video is below: 


Children's Theatre

Thuban and Capella (2022): Windswept got commissioned to do a puppetry performance for SEND children. We created a performance based around two characters and their friendship in a black hole.


Thinktank Spooky Tours (2023): Windswept got commissioned to devise spooky tours for Thinktank at Halloween. We ran three interactive spooky tales, inspired by 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'.



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